Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Enable iPod Touch 6G Battery Percentage - No Jailbreak iOS 9.3.2/iOS 9.3.1

Guys i’ve iPod Touch and without battery percentage, I’ve passed a lot of months. Finally, I decided to put battery percentage again on my iPod Touch 6th generation and searched on YouTube about enabling it. After a quick search, I got two closely related videos about enable iPod Touch battery percentage which is nearly impossible officially.

There isn’t any app or setting that allows user to enable battery percentage unlike iPhone and other devices such as iPad. I’ve attached one of those videos that demonstrates the process to enable battery percentage for iPod Touch.

So, if you don’t understand the writing process, you can head to that video and directly check the demo who the guy enables iPod Touch battery percentage and number.

Over all the process is easy and takes only five minutes total. During the process of enabling iPod Touch battery percentage, you need to have Windows or Mac computer.

Additionally, iTunes and iBackUpBot software is needed to edit some system files. This can be done easily without having computer or any software if you’ve jailbreak device using Cydia tweak that does whole job without editing any file, but if you don’t have jailbreak device or Cydia, you can follow the video.

So you need to edit a system file that allows iPod Touch to show battery percentage and you’re done. Below is the video that can be followed to put battery number on your iPod Touch without jailbreak.

Don’t forget to make a comment if anything goes wrong. One more thing, don’t forget to take whole iPod Touch backup because you’re just about to edit system file which is really harmful and suppose anything would be wrong, you need to restore whole device and in that case, you may loss important iPod Touch data.

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